
So the Astros are down by 2 games and they face the Cardinals again tomorrow night. Some people have teased me for rooting for the Astros, being that I am typically a Rangers fan and NOT a fan of the city of Houston, but I would like to defend my choice. First of all, I am a Texan, therefore I will side with the Texas team. Second, the owner of the Astros, Drayton McLane is from my hometown, Temple. I have met the man! But here is my most important reason for cheering on Houston- they are the underdogs. I almost ALWAYS root for the underdogs. When the expected champion wins the game, what fun is that? Where is the excitement? I love it when the underdogs take home the trophey and prove that they can do it! And (here's where I make an attempt at getting deep) isn't that a theme we see throughout scripture? How many times does God use the underdog to accomplish great feats? How would God's power been seen if He were always on the side of the strongest man or most powerful nation? So as the Astros once again warm up for their game tomorrow night, I will proudly be supporting them. Go Astros!

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