
This has been one extraordinary week. Most people use that word to describe amazing, awesome, grand things, but I pretty much mean not ordinary. And in the midst of this week, I seem to have lost my debit card. People keep saying, “Think back to the last time you used it,” but this week is such a blur that the days are running together, and I don’t remember even having used it this week. Oh well.

I would write and give updates about how the rest of our 6th grade boys, 8h grade girls, and Julie Folwell are doing, but Mike and Val have given much better explanations on their blogs. (Look under Good Readin’ for links.) Praise God that we are hearing good things from their doctors!

Wednesday was the funeral, and (if I can say this) it was the best funeral I have ever been to. Long, but planned so well and touching even for people who didn’t know him. Wednesday night all of the adult and youth classes met together for service, but we decided to still have children’s classes. I went out and bought teddy bears for the 4 Bourland children (1st grade brother, and 3 young cousins), and that night our K/1st grade children hugged these bears and prayed over them. My dad videotaped the whole thing, so when we give them to the kids, they will be receiving tons of hugs and love from all their church buddies. Then our 2nd-5th kids put their handprint on posters for each of the children, and wrote such sweet cards to them. I did pretty good with keeping my emotions together throughout the week, but that night watching our kids pour out their love to these kids- I lost it!

Another aspect for me through all of this was that Shelley (our children’s minister) was out of town. She left Monday morning and came back just in time for church on Wednesday. We didn’t get to talk before she left or while she was out of town, so everything was pretty much left up to me. Before I could even ask for it, the Lord definitely poured His infinite wisdom into my head, and guided my mouth, hands, and feet. He also sent amazing people to surround me during this (shout-outs to the Becks, Suzetta Nutt, Suzanne Rowe, Laura Herridge, & Steve Hare), and offered their help as I prepared for Wednesday. From Monday to Wednesday, I kept wishing Shelley had not left and was here. But by the end, though it would have been great if she had been here, I realized what an incredible opportunity this was for me to grow leaps and bounds as a minister. And, let me tell you, I did. Though no tragedy is the same and has to be handled different than others, this was just one of those learning times that I will carry with me throughout my walk as a children’s minister. I am so grateful for my volunteers Wednesday night who surrounded me as I wept through my words before class started. I am thanking God for this body of Christ that will hold precious Brock, Lane, Peyton, and Logan. And I am also grateful to be a part of the Lord’s family, who came together from all over this planet to lift up the Bourlands, Copes, Bennetts, Lemmons, Perkins, Childers, Johnstons, Folwells, and the rest of the Highland youth family to the Lord during this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katie, I always knew that if anyone could be there and love those kids, it was you. I know you have had an "extraordinary" week, and I'm sure that God has worked on you a lot. You were in my prayers this week, right along with all those families. I love you girl, and I hope you can feel it from 800 miles away!
