
Hello blog friends! It seems that at least once a week I talk to or hear of someone who reads my blog. It’s sort of weird to think about that since most of you do not post comments. Then again I read lots of blogs each day and rarely, rarely comment, so no hard feelings. But if you do read this, take a second and say hello! Then I’ll visit your blog (if you have one) and get to read your deep sentiments.

So my job status moved to full-time on May 1st, when I was in Malibu. It’s a beautiful thing to be on the beach for your first week of full-time work. I highly recommend it. Then I came back and babysat for the week for maybe the two sweetest girls I have ever met! They are 5 & 9, and their precious mom had to go to Houston to have surgery at MD Anderson. We had a fun week watching Arthur (the cartoon!), having picnics in the park, singing along to “Annie Get Your Gun” in the car at the top of our lungs, reading books & praying before bedtime, and having conversations one could only have with a 5-year-old who talks like an 8-year-old. As much as I loved hanging out with them and playing mommy for the week… it reminds me that babysitting is awesome birth control. I am not ready to be a mom yet. I’m not ready to get others ready for school or make big decisions, like what to have for dinner or what TV shows to let them watch. I’m not ready to teach them how to be kind, selfless, Godly, a peace-maker, disciplined, forgiving, patient… I still haven’t learned these things.

I was planning on writing about my job, but my fingers typed in another direction. More about the job next time...


Anonymous said...

Katie, just to let you know that I check your blog daily. It is my own little personal way to stay in touch with you, for me to know what is going on in your life. I'm so proud of the young Christian woman you have become.

Jared Cramer said...

I've commented before, but I guess I'll say hullo again. I hope your summer continues to go well.

Anonymous said...

Anytime you need a little reminder on that birth control thing, just let me know and Bart and I will call you and go out to dinner . . .


Travis said...


Sarah said...

At your request -- I'm blog-wandering this morning to procrastinate the inevitable housework!

Anonymous said...

Katie, it's Katy...one of the violin-playing Katy's. We need to get together in all of our spare time and find some music to play. Even if it's just to mess around!! Guess it'll be something we tackle after July starts!

Katey said...

Katieriggs- You can't get mad at me for not posting when you haven't posted in over two weeks. There is a good project for a certain class... :)

Nuno Barreto said...

Well, hello then :)