
I will not allow you to tell me who I am and who I am not.

I will not allow you to tell me what I am or what I should be.

I will not allow you to tell me what I should or should not do.

I will not listen to your lies. I will not listen when you tell me that I am too young, too busy, inexperienced, or only a girl.

I will not even look at you when you wear the masks of my friends and family.

I realize that by my proclaiming this, you will now only work harder to convince me of your lies; I know that you will become even trickier and try to catch me when my guard is down. And the only thing I can say to that is good luck. You will not hurt me nor destroy me. Because I am already dead. I have died to Christ. So when you are attempting to harm me, you are only fighting the Lord. And let me tell you- you have nothing on Him.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Oh Katie! That is good! I'm going to link that on my blog. I love hearing truth proclaimed! Love you, girl!