
update #2:

Matt and I have almost been dating 5 months! We have had our ups and downs along this 5-month long road, but I believe that God is continually molding both of us as individuals and as a couple. Our possibly biggest challenge is before us: he left for Nashville on Tuesday morning for the summer. I miss him already, but I'm not worried about it. He'll be in Nashville until mid-July interning for a film company, and then he’ll come back and spend a couple of weeks with a production company in Dallas. His degree is electronic media, and he’s so gifted in many areas within that field. His photography is beautiful and he also loves filming and directing. With so many directions in which he could go, he’s hoping that these internships will provide him with some clear vision of what it is he’d like to pursue. He is also excited about starting a Christian art business for his parents, who are incredible artists. And in the midst of his full-time school and 4 part-time jobs, he still makes time for me and even volunteers in my ministry. Yes, he’s quite a catch.

1 comment:

Katey said...

Hey! I found your boyfriend on Wed. night and I told him that I would call him and we would hang out. He makes me laugh- he was so worried about remembering my name and I just told him, "It should be really easy for you- you're really used to saying it- it's Katey." Oh, funny Matt. I can't wait to see you in June when you come visit!